Donate to Saveavet

First things First
On behalf of everyone at Save-A-Vet and the soldiers we are working to care for, we would like to thank you for your support!
There are many ways to donate in addition to cash. Below you can find information about monetary donations, vehicle donations and personal property donations and a number of other ways.
We also are always looking for volunteers. Being a volunteer does not always mean hands-on work, but also can be someone with special skills or more experience in areas that we need help.
In addition to volunteers, we also receive much needed support from our generous sponsors and allies.
And, we always welcome people at our many events, and are happy to ship you as many Save-A-Vet logo items from our online store as you and your friends and family can carry or wear!
Save-A-Vet is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that rescues military and law enforcement working animals who are non-adoptable, by sheltering them with disabled military and law enforcement veterans who live with and care for these other forgotten soldiers.
All donations are fully tax-deductible.
Ways to Donate
Of course, we welcome your donations too. You can conveniently donate online or by mail.
We are a "verified merchant" with PayPal a leading credit card processor for online donations. You can donate online with a simple click of this button:
Donate Online
Online Store
Now you can choose reoccurring donations as well. A little support goes a long way
Donate by Mail:
(Please do not send Cash)
Attn to: Save-A-Vet nfp Inc.
387 Northgate Rd,
Lindenhurst, IL 60046

Vehicle Donations
We accept vehicle donations of all kinds. If you have a working vehicle you would like to donate for us to use, please contact us via email at
If your vehicle is not in working condition, no problem. You just need the following information: Year, Make, Model, VIN number, Mileage, Title Info, Location of the Vehicle.
We accept any kind of vehicle: cars, trucks, motorcycles, RV’s, boats, airplanes, heavy equipment, farm machinery, etc. No smog certificate is necessary and we can solve almost all title issues. We have contracts with over 3,500 towing companies, auctions and recycle stations nationwide, so we pick up anywhere in the country with very few exceptions. If you have a unique item, click the link above, so our experts can address any special issues.
Saveavet's gone Mobile Fundraising with Benefit!

How it Works!
You purchase a $100 Starbucks gift card from your local grocery store, it spends like cash $1 for $1. That means the card you paid $100 for is equal to $100. Starbucks pays the grocery store a percentage for them selling this to you. This doesn't cost you anything.
When you use the Benefit app, it works almost the same. When you purchase a gift card through Benefit Mobile, the card is automatically loaded onto your phone. Instead of the grocery store making this percentage, the percentage is donated to Saveavet and you can use your phone at checkout instead of having to lug around a gift card. That's right, for every $100 Starbucks cards you purchase, Benefit donated $6 to Saveavet.
With benefit it isn't limited to coffee. There are over 100 companies that have jumped on board to support ranging from everyday shopping to airlines and more!!
Get Started!
Go to your mobile app store and follow these 3 steps to get started! Free app available for iPhone & Android in your app store.

Creating a Campaign:
If you work for a company and are interested in starting a campaign, please contact us via email and we will happily add you to the list of Saveavet Supporters.
Please remember to supply us with:
Company Name
Contact Name
Phone, Email, etc.
Company Logo.

Construction Materials

Saveavet is currently collecting materials for our active project in Peru Indiana. We keep this list current and active on our volunteer page. If you have access to anything on the list you would be willing to donate, please contact us on the form listed here.
This project, once complete will be a 14,000 square foot property that will house up to 21 disabled veterans and 25 retired K9's. Mutual healing between 2-legged and 4-legged veterans.